Spring always finds a way

There’s still this: our York back yard, April 14, 2017

“…spring always finds a way to turn even the coldest winter into a field of green and flowers and new life.”Charlotte Eriksson

Probably there are few spots of ground in this hemisphere that have been more neglected in the past three years than our once-lovely azalea garden in the corner of our York back yard. When we first planted additional azaleas back there over twelve years ago, we tended it lovingly. I pruned the shrubs and Jeff was careful to feed and mulch the plants with the acidic nourishment they preferred. Once he even gathered a big bunch of pine straw from the wooded common areas of our neighborhood because I told him that azaleas loved pine straw (or so my mother always told me).

But somewhere along the way, our springtime gardening got hijacked. Spring 2013 brought Jeff’s first liver surgery; Spring 2014, Matt’s fifth open heart surgery; Spring 2015, work crews and equipment were in our yard continually as our guest house was being built; Spring 2016, Jeff’s brain tumor and craniotomy, and of course, Spring 2017, his burial. That corner of our yard is now overgrown so wildly that I can barely walk through to the fence where Pasha is buried near the large tree. I wasn’t expecting much beauty to show up there this spring.

Lo and behold, though, that little patch of ground is doing fine all on its own. Two days ago I looked out the kitchen window and saw the sun streaming through the dogwood flowers, and had to run get the camera to take a shot to share with you.

Don’t you just love it when things go fine even when you aren’t able to contribute to the effort? This has been another week filled with bad news, but springtime always has something uplifting to say to me. I  hope you’re enjoying some seasonal cheer, too!

This post was first re-published seven years ago today. Of the tens of thousands of photos I’ve taken over the years, the ones of this spot in our York back yard will always be among my favorites. There’s still a touch of sadness that the home we loved so well did not become a place where we would enjoy our plans for shared retirement. But I’m comforted that another family will be enjoying the beauty, and grateful for the 17 years I had there.

The original post, comments and photo are linked, along with two other related posts, below. These links to related posts, and their thumbnail photos, do not appear in the blog feed; they are only visible when viewing the individual posts by clicking on each one. I have no idea why, nor do I know how they choose the related posts. That’s just the way WordPress does things.


  1. Sheila

    Hi Julia! This is a test, hope my comment reaches you! My comments don’t seem to be recognized by WordPress for some reason. I’m so sorry because I’m missing our correspondence. I’m not sure that you received my comment about Jack’s passing a few weeks ago! Hope your Verandah is a happy place today 🥰🌺

    • Hi Sheila, this one did reach me. I did a search of all the comments going back for many months, and the one you mention was not there. BUT, WordPress has lately become extremely good at blocking spam. Whereas I used to have to delete literally thousands of spam comments every month or two, now there are almost none that make it into my spam filter at all. I have to think that their internal filters have gotten so tight as to often eliminate the good along with the bad. The fact that you’ve posted here before should keep you from being blocked, but if this keeps happening, you can always send them to me via email, and that way you’ll at least have a copy, if your comment does not show up here. If this is happening to anyone else who is reading this, please let me know.

      Yes, I miss hearing from you too! Let’s keep trying to get those comments past the censors. 🙂

  2. There is such a magic to spring, it comes each year somehow feeling brand new. I love your azaleas and dogwoods – beautiful! ❤️

    • Thank you! I do miss them. Fortunately, I have azaleas and dogwoods at my new home. Not quite as beautiful as these, but still wonderful. Yes, this season has magic all its own. I love spring more with each passing year!

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