Try adding some bright

The residents of Mykonos, Greece really know how to brighten up the world! 2008

I love the brightly-colored homes of Mykonos, Greece! 2008

“Your attitude is like a box of crayons that color your world. Constantly color your picture gray, and your picture will always be bleak. Try adding some bright colors…”Allen Klein

I appreciate people who take the time to add color to everyday life.  Some people plant bright annuals that bloom in spring and summer, others use cheery linens or dishes, still others wear vivid clothing and accessories.  I find that colors really do lift my mood, so I try to take my eyes and thoughts to sunny places, even when the day is gray and dull.  Whether you add color in outward ways, or simply embrace and appreciate the colors others add to your life, I hope today will be a bright one for you.

This post was originally published seven years ago today. The original post and photo are linked, along with two other related posts, below.


  1. Good morning, Julia!
    I am hoping to get to Greece someday. That’s such a cute entry way, in your photo. I do like the bright colors contrasting with the white walls.

    • I loved the colors of Greece! The people there were warm and friendly, a nice match with the colorful landscapes.

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